tijolos leves

tijolos leves

tijolos leves

Desempenho de tijolos aerados

tijolos leves

1. Leve: Como material de construção, pode reduzir o peso do edifício e reduzir significativamente o custo total do edifício.

2. Prevenção de incêndio: As principais matérias-primas são principalmente materiais inorgânicos, que possuem boa resistência ao fogo e não emitem gases nocivos quando expostos ao fogo.

3. Isolamento acústico: Devido à sua estrutura porosa única, tem uma certa capacidade de absorção sonora.

4. Isolamento: Devido ao grande número de poros e microporos dentro do material, tem bom desempenho de isolamento.

5. Impermeabilidade: Devido ao material ser composto por muitos pequenos poros independentes, absorve água e conduz a umidade lentamente. The time required for the same volume of water to reach saturation is 5 times that of clay bricks.

6. Seismic resistance: For the same building structure, it is 2 seismic resistance levels higher than clay bricks.

7. Environmental protection: The manufacturing, transporte, and use processes are pollution-free, which can protect farmland, save energy, and reduce consumption. It is a green and environmentally friendly building material.

8. Durability: The material strength is stable.

9. Quick: With good processability, it can be sawn, planed, drilled, and nailed, and can be bonded with appropriate bonding materials, creating favorable conditions for construction.

10. Economy: Green, environmentally friendly, and energy-saving.

Aerated lightweight brick is a type of block produced using high-temperature steam pressing equipment technology. Its advantage lies in the ability to form closed holes inside the concrete, which makes it relatively lightweight and insulated. Na verdade, concrete bricks are a special variety of aerated bricks, and their material properties and pore structure are relatively similar to those of aerated bricks. No entanto, there are also some differences between the two. As for which one is more suitable for everyone to purchase, it is better to first read and analyze before making a decision.

From the perspective of subtle structural features

As is well known, foamed cement is a product that is connected by countless closed holes and has advantages such as sound insulation, heat insulation, and thermal insulation. Aerated concrete is a product that promotes the cement slurry to form a honeycomb shape from the gas, presenting a connected pore shape. Isso quer dizer, from the perspective of detailed structure, concrete bricks do not have as good sound insulation, moisture prevention and other effects as aerated lightweight bricks.

From the perspective of implementation density

According to the survey conducted by Huayu editor, the current density of commonly used concrete bricks is generally below 500kg/m3, while the density of aerated lightweight bricks can be lower than this.

tijolos leves

From the perspective of foaming methods

It should be noted that traditional concrete bricks are foamed using chemical methods, while aerated lightweight bricks use more flexible methods to complete this work. Specifically, by using a high-pressure air pump to inflate, as long as the closed pores formed by the concrete are reached, it is considered qualified, indicating that its foaming method is slightly more advanced.

Do ponto de vista da tecnologia de manutenção

Porque existem muitos tipos de tijolos leves arejados, os processos de oxidação correspondentes também são bastante diversos. Por exemplo, a cura a vapor pode ser adotada de acordo com diferentes materiais cimentícios. O processo de cura de tijolos de concreto é relativamente simples.

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