brick extruder
JKY50/50-40 Two-stage de-airing extruder is a new type environmental protection hard model de-airing extrusion equipment developed in our company in accordance with the nation walling reform policy, market demand and the technical requirements of the nation construction material industry standard JC343.1-3 (De-airing brick extruder) and in combination with the practical experience for many years. The mechanical equipment has the features of large bearing extrusion pressure, strong load capacity, high quality of unfired brick strip and wide scope of raw material usage, etc. The equipment is suitable for the main raw materials such as clay, shale and coal gangue. Different kinds of de-airing solid brick and bearing & non-bearing hollow brick can be made by the extruder. The machinery adopts “T” shape two-stage de-airing structure with the features of convenient operation, safety, reliability and working uniformity, etc. The machinery includes two parts of stirring & extruding in upper stage and host machine extrusion forming in lower stage.
- 性能及技术参数:
2. Performance and Technical Parameters:
Model |
JKY55/55-40 |
Remarks |
Production capacity (pieces/h) |
12,000~17,000 pieces (standard brick) |
Extrusion pressure (Mpa) |
≥4.0 |
Required power (KW) |
Upper stage: Yy315s-6/75kw |
Lower stage: Y355m-6/200kw |
Vacuum pressure |
≥-0.092 |
Main shaft speed (rpm) |
Upper stage: 38rpm |
Lower stage: 25rpm |
Shaping moisture content (wet basis %) |
16 ~ 20
16 ~ 20 |
Raw material plasticity index |
7 ~ 15
7 ~ 15 |
Required reducer |
上级:ZLY600D i=10.89
Upper stage: ZLY600D i=10.89 |
下级:ZLY960B i=15.95
Lower stage: ZLY960B i=15.95 |
Required V-belt |
上级:7— SPB-4700
Upper stage: 7-SPB-4700 |
下级:9 — SPC-5500
Low stage: 9-SPC-5500 |
Required vacuum pump (water circulation type) |
2SK ~ 6 ~ 2SK-12
2SK ~ 6 ~ 2SK-12 |
配用电机:Y15 ~ 22KW
Required electric motor: Y15 ~ 22KW |
外型尺寸mm 长×宽×高
Overall dimension mm length × width × height |
5,350×5,550×2,510 |
The above related parameters may change due to different raw material or brick type. |
- 设备的主要结构:
3. Primary Structure of Equipment:
The machine is “T” shape all-steel two-stage de-airing structure with the features of handiness, safety, reliability and uniformity of operation. The whole machine includes two parts of upper stage stirring and lower stage host machine extrusion (See attached Figure 3).
(1). 上级搅拌部分:
(1). Upper stage stirring part:
上级搅拌部分由真空缸A1、封泥盖A2、搅拌绞刀A3、 搅拌齿A4 、搅拌轴A5、搅拌箱A6、对齿轮箱A7 、减速箱A8、 气动离合器A9 、排水阀A10及真空泵A11组成。
The upper stage stirring part is consisted of vacuum cylinder A1, lute cover A2, stirring reamer A3, stirring teeth A4, mixer shaft A5, stirring tank A6, counter gear box A7, reduction box A8, pneumatic clutch A9, drain valve A10 and vacuum pump A11.
The power is transmitted to reduction box A8 and counter gear box A7 by electrical motor via pneumatic clutch A9. Via transmission of a group of counter gear, two pieces of mixer shaft A5 rotate in opposite direction. The pug inside stirring tank A6 is sent to vacuum cylinder A1 via stirring reamer A3 and stirring teeth A4 mounted in mixer shaft A5. After vacuumizing, the pug is conveyed into the main body in the lower stage.