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china vacuum extruder brick machine
china vacuum extruder brick machine

china vacuum extruder brick machine

Supply and processing of raw materials The mined raw materials are stacked and aged, and then added to the chain plate feeder by a shovel truck. They are sent to the roller conveyor for crushing by a belt conveyor. The internal combustion powder coal slag is mixed and crushed by a coal blending machine through […]

Ziegelmaschine China
Ziegelmaschine China

Ziegelmaschine China

(2). Host-Extrusionsteil auf niedrigerer Ebene: (2). Extrusionsteil der Host-Maschine der unteren Stufe: Der untere Extrusionsteil wird durch die pneumatische Kupplung B1 gesteuert、Reduzierbox B2、Rumpfhintere Lagerkammerbaugruppe B3、Reibahlenschaft B4、Vorderes Rumpflager und Dichtungsbaugruppe B5、Unterkörper B6、Geteilter Schlammtank B7、Maschinenkopf B8、Maschinenmund B9 Schlammplatte vordere Lagerkammerbaugruppe B10、Bestehend aus der hinteren Lagerkammerbaugruppe B11 der Schlammplatte und anderen Teilen。 The lower stage extrusion part is composed of components such as pneumatic clutch B1, reduction box B2, assembly B3 in rear bearing chamber of the main body, reamer shaft B4, main body front bearing & seal assembly B5, lower stage main body B6, split clay […]

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